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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sometimes its not exactly what you think

There are times, and most often even, that though you may have a firm grasp of the situation, you find your self somehow still lacking essential information to make a fully sound decision. You are simply missing so much data, how can you be sure that any choice you have ever made in your life is either "right" or "wrong"? You can't see from the viewpoint of experience all possible outcomes of all possible choices and all possible events to make the most precise or accurately efficient way for that is not our job, here and now.

Our job is to choose and then learn from those choices whatever they be. In fact, it is highly probable that you will not full comprehend what you have learned until you are far enough away from it (time)to see the event for what it truly is. This awareness of forces at play on levels high above your level of thinking and those below all pull one way or another.

You are either expanding or contracting. Are you moving closer to that which you most want or are you moving farther from it. Either movement is your choice. Some of you, whilst walking your path, will see others who need perhaps a little guidance or nudge in the right direction

Friday, September 24, 2010

Those scary steps

I was sitting here thinking about how fear manifested itself in my life as a child.

I can remember one time in particular when I was standing on at the bus stop, across the street from my house, with my RainbowBright backpack on waiting to be ferried off to my first day of kindergarten.

Thinking back now, I must have been asked if I thought I would be alright riding the bus that day and I must have said yes, but when the bus came and the door opened I looked up at the big steel teeth of the school bus steps and was terrified. I stood there frozen as each kid got on the bus until only I remained, fearfully staring at the steps.

Then the driver asked me if I was going to get on.

I remember how afraid I was and with no shame or upset, shook my head; no way. With a shrug and a shake of the head the bus pulled the door closed and went on with her day.

Moments later, my mom came out of the house after seeing the bus leave and me still standing there.

On the drive to school, she asked me what happened and all I could say was that I was sorry. I told her how afraid I had been of the steps on the bus though she seemed less interested and more frustrated.

I assured her that it wouldn’t happen again.

But the next day the bus came and left and I was still standing on the sidewalk, again.

I was just plain scared and unable to overcome it on my own. Not surprisingly, my mom was really disappointed this time and was a little more than frustrated on the drive to school.

I had realized that I needed her help, and now I had to admit.

I asked her to come with me to the bus stop the next day and she did.

How many days she held my hand and watched me get on to the bus, I do not remember but a few days later something happened.

Something inside me had changed. I realized the steps just weren't that terrifying anymore, I had climbed them enough I guess. Then the next realization was that I no longer needed my mom to come to the bus stop with me in the morning. I wanted to do it my self.

Only then, instead of the fear of climbing the steps, there was sadness and deeper fear of having to say that I didn’t need my mom's help anymore. But how would she know that I just meant I didn't need her for this. I was terribly upset that she would think I meant I didn't need her anymore at all, which was absolutely not the case.

For what seemed like days, but was likely only hours, I pondered how I would tell her this truth I had discovered for myself. How to say it so it wouldn’t hurt her feelings

After mustering up the courage then finding the right moment I said, as softly as I could, “Mom, I don’t need you to come to the bus stop with me anymore, I think I can do it myself now.”

As it turned, out my mom wasn’t upset at all and now from a parent’s perspective, I can see how it was probably a relief for her.

In both cases, I had no logical reason to fear yet it was so real and present for me then. The teeth of the bus were not going to shred my little legs nor would I trip off the curb only to have metal-toothed steps break my fall.

My mom understood that I loved her and needed her. I just didn't need my hand held anymore.

Now as an adult, I seek out those razor sharp steps in life that I may need a little hand holding to get up and over. Friends and family helps us to stay balanced and keep us strong in the face of things that seem overwhelming to overcome. Sometimes we need a little help from others to let go of the fears we have and the truths they might reveal.

After a while, you will realize you are strong enough now, to do what needs to be done on your own. But instead of fearing what your friends will say, bless them with heartfelt gratitude for being there when you needed them most.

Then be strong and continue climb.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Toward Greatness

There isnt enough time in the day for being swayed
toward the goal
of finding that thing
that means nothing to you
for there are so many things
to choose
to spend your time with
enjoying time with
being present with
be patient in allowing time for those things
saving the frustration for lack of time
on things you care not for
to drift from you
letting the reigns fall
simply stepping away silently
toward greatness

(c) Brandyrox 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Spirit Guides or devils?

I have heard recently that there are people who believe that any entity (dis-incarnate) who speaks to a human should be considered a devil. If one imagines a spirit guide, they are to assume they are "from the devil".

I find logic and my heart in disagreement with that idea.

1. All that is is All that is. We are all the same in that we are all expressions of the One infinite creator, or Christ consciousness. We are in fact all the "Sons of God". Incarnate or not, we are all that is and that is divine.

2. Duality is human. As humans we have decided to see energy as split into two main buckets: negative and positive. They are in fact the same energy. As I understand it, positive energy is the radiation of life-force energy for all self's which can also be called love. Negative energy is the pulling into itself for the self. Negative energy could be visualized as a black hole, sucking everything and anything into itself. Whereas positive energy is likened to a star, radiating love and light. A black hole is not bad or evil and a star is not good or love. They both are what they are and serve the functions they do for the same reason. They too are expressions of the one infinite creator. Both sides. There is a time for giving and a time for receiving. Both are just as valid, just as necessary and both are just as pure in the eyes of the creator.

Having said all that, still we might look around our world and perceive things that we would not want to experience and so we might label those things as "bad" or look out unto the world and see things we might want to experience label those things as "good". This is localized judgement and nothing more. Opinion. Others may share that opinion but it makes it no more or less real than any other form of judgement.

This idea that there are devils running around in the non physical is as ridiculous an idea that there are leprechauns causing all the mischief in your life.

I say to you that everything that happens in your life is because you willed it to be so. Everything you experience in your life is an extension of that same great force you can see inside a tree or flower, the same light behind the eyes in another person, the same energy you may choose to connect with in the other realms of understanding and awareness.

The bible instructs us to call upon the name Jesus Christ, though that was not the name of the man we think we know who lived so many years ago. When he walked the earth they did not call him Jesus, it was Jehoshua, from the name Jehovah, which in that time was the name they called the one infinite creator. Humans are the son of the creator, made in the image of the creator and imbued with the talents and gift of the creator.

Therefore, the only being to "fear" is yourself. The world you perceive with your physical eyes is only a reflection of the reality inside your self. If there is great turmoil within you there must be turmoil around you. If there is peace and kindness inside you, there will be peace and kindness around you.

What you pay attention to manifests in reality. What you think, feel and say has an impact on the matter around you. You think, feel and speak matter into form long before you are able to hold it in your hand or manifest it into your life.

In simple terms, let us say you go to the car dealership and by a new car. It is a model you have never noticed before. It is likely that from that moment onward you will notice that car everywhere. Not because they didn't exist before you noticed, only that you were not aware of them prior to that. They were not a focus for you. You did not have them "on your radar".

The same is true with all things in life. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. You must look for what you are seeking to find it. If you are looking for a guide in spirit form to communicate with you then you will find it. If you are looking for that guide to be a "devil" then that is what you will find.

Personally, I choose to be open to the universe, guided by spirit within me, that is also all that is. Therefore anything that I observe from my perspective is a mirror of my own thoughts, feeling and words.

The strongest, wisest and most loving of beings are around you when you know it not. Angels walk among you every moment of every day whether you choose to pay attention to them or not. Keep your eye on the highest of high, your heart set to love and your mind set to kindness, wisdom and truth and you will never be lead astray. Where there is fear, a lesson is likely to near. For fear is like a virus. Luckily, so is Love.

Peace be with you always

love and light

brandyrox and friends.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The closest dimensions

Describe, exactly what you perceive when you are "lost in thought". What exactly does the rest of the world look like? When you are lost in a show on TV or lost in the story you are reading, where are you?

Sometimes we can be so wrapped up in thought that the world is spinning all around us and we miss everything. Sometimes we can be stuck in these dimensions of thought for a very long time. We perceive our trips to be instantaneous, but when you are in the thought, like a dream time begins to loose its power. This is demonstrated in movies all the time via sappy montage just before the couples reunite.

Some words trigger the leap, some people find it relaxing an learn to induce it, others have no control or awareness that anything going on at all since that is how the life experience has always been, like not seeing the forest while looking at a single tree.

We trip, stumble into an old memory that pulls us into an old pattern of thinking and then the old feelings begin to rush back and before you know it you're back in a dream of your past, perhaps slightly faded or sun bleached. While you are observing/experiencing this memory you are, for all intensive purposes, in another dimension. Not a shared dimension, but one of your own creation for your own purposes. Sometimes an idea will trigger this shift and then the person will perceive this download of information as inspiration and in all fairness they are the same thing. You see once you are in that space, and every human I suspect knows what I am talking about when I say, that comfortable relaxed state when your mind is open and you allow it to wander, that feeling is a key to the door of your inspiration.

The letting go of expectation and control. The feeling of whimsy, excitement and child like anticipation will often foster a more colorful or memorable experience and then relax and let mind travel to far off places, people of different shades and colors, shapes and sizes. Imagine what they eat or what their occupations are. Imagine how they love their earth mother, imagine their name. Let yourself travel to your universe of creativity.

Allow yourself to travel there consciously however, into your memory dimensions or the fantasy dimensions and if you are brave enough, invite others to your dimensions by sharing the experience with them. Invite them to tune into the vibe of a dimension you imagine and see if they can pull out ideas from that place as well. Like a well, once you tether your bucket to the pulley and slowly dip it in the water draped in the darkness pulling up with you the freshest, crystal clear waters that can be drunk and behold. This is the only entertainment one needs. Silence and imagination.

Books and movies are an artificial form of imagination. They are second hand yet for the first time reader the ideas are fresh and brand new painting a magical picture in the mind. And it is much like traveling a great distance while sitting on your bed.
This is the magic of the dimensions of the mind. As the mind, body and spirit are linked, where one travels the others too shall go only from different perspectives.

The perspective of the mind is the listening or the stillness that occurs in ones own mind, the perspective of the body, the entire physical system and all its moving parts or the perspective of the soul, that immovable shard of the one infinite creator that sees and knows all things dwelling outside of time.

The human system can connect to each of these three angles of perspective at any time at the speed of thought (nearly instantaneousness), the idea however, is to exercise that power thoughtfully. In fact, it is my perspective that everything we do should be done thoughtfully. From the most mundane to the most extraordinary. So next time you find yourself lost in another dimension take note of the feelings, impressions, visions, colors, and perceived time. Remember that you are creator beings, powerful, splendid beings of love and radiant light. Blessed be my sweet children of light.


Brandyrox and Friends

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dreaming in reflection

Thought trail began just so: the sun so bright and brilliant in the mid day sky illuminates fully the luster or lack easily for even the most minute detail can be seen while bathed in mid-day sun light. Adversely, the moon is the reflection of the suns light bouncing off a pale, heavenly moon. Much like mid-day sun, so to conscious reality is blazingly naked before your eyes when one is centered, focused and awake to the wondrous blooms, whizzes and skaws of the world around you. As the sun fades and you drift into dusk and then to night when the world is dark, peacefully dreaming and those dreams are merely the reflections of the day we have lived or have yet to live.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I feel
I have felt

I know
I have known

I run
I have run

I am
I will be

There is no time like the present to know yourself more
to feel yourself being more and more who you are
letting go of all the ideas you had about that
embracing this fresh, evolving picture of what it means to be you

How does it feel to you be you?
What is it like everyday?
How do you make your choices?
Who's voices, if not your own, do you hear?
Who is looking and who are you looking to?

Why are you here?

Each question, given the time, the place, the context will return and answer in relation to that time, place and context, but will not ever be a summation in totality. There is no end to who and what you are. There is no beginning either, not really for these are all locked within all that is and all that is is locked within infinity. There is no escaping this.

We may toy at the idea that there is an end but that is only to move the plot along.